Why should you join our Digital Marketing Mixer? - Affiverse
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Why should you join our Digital Marketing Mixer?

While some countries have begun to ease their COVID-19 lockdowns, many of us still don’t have such freedoms. And since we’re social beings by nature, it’s unsurprising that these are difficult times for many. 

If you happen to have your own business, you might also find yourself face-to-face with uncertainty. How do I ensure that I thrive post-lockdown? Where can I network with potential partners? Can anybody out there help me to make a decent-tasting cocktail? 

Those might all be questions that you’ve asked yourself in recent weeks. Want some good news? You can find the answers to those at tomorrow evening’s Digital Marketing Mixer, hosted by Lee-Ann Johnstone

The online party will take place between 17:00 and 19:00 BST. Here are some reasons why you should attend. 

This isn’t just about catching up with old friends and acquaintances, but meeting new ones too

The Digital Marketing Mixer will be attended by a number of names with extensive experience in digital marketing, iGaming and affiliate marketing. As such, it’s a great opportunity to get yourself out there and network with individuals who a) might be interested in your product and/or b) can share their knowledge with you. 

But aside from meeting new people, this is also a great opportunity to strengthen existing relationships. Use this as a chance to discuss current deals, what’s going well and where improvements can be made. By ensuring that you don’t fall off the radar, you’ll be better-positioned to make your clients happy in the long run. 

Learn a new skill or two 

This somewhat ties into point #1. Soaking up the knowledge from seasoned professionals in your field will allow you to try out a couple of new things that you might not have considered before. There’s likely to be something you know that they don’t, too, so it’s a chance to provide value to their lives too. 

In addition to the business side of things, we’re going to teach you a couple of important life skills. One of those is how to make a great-tasting cocktail (or mocktail), using ingredients that you’ll have lying about in your cupboard. Have we convinced you to sign up yet?  

There are prizes to be won 

Thanks to Stars Affiliate Club, you could win $1,000 to spend on PokerStars if you emerge victorious from their freeroll tournament. Lee-Ann also has a bounty of $100, with whoever eliminates her winning this sum. 

You will also have the opportunity to prizes elsewhere through icebreaker challenges, while a speed networking session will also take place. 

It costs a grand total of £0

That’s right – the entire event is free. No impact on your budget whatsoever, so you quite literally have nothing to lose. 

All you need to bring is your marketing knowledge and, as they say in the world of clichés, ‘a positive attitude’. 

You can RSVP for tomorrow’s Digital Marketing Mixer here.

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