What to expect at the AMLeaders Event, this month - Affiverse
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What to expect at the AMLeaders Event, this month

Our exclusive October in-person training event is just a few weeks away! Do you have your ticket booked? The very first AMLeaders Event is taking place on Monday October 23, during the week of PI Live Europe. The afternoon event is co-hosted by Affiverse and Hello Partner, in London.

For full details of the workshop times and venue please click here.

Our Speakers – In Their Own Words

We have featured some of our ‘Speakers Shorts’ over on our YouTube channel, with each speaker offering insights into what the event is all about. You can catch up on those already posted, and look out for lots more to come, by heading to the Affiverse channel.

Who Is AMLeaders For?

The event is for Affiliate Program Managers. Whether you are working at an agency, advertiser, or network – this is for you! Perhaps you’re just starting out, or are looking to take your affiliate program to new heights? You can watch Affiverse Founder, Lee-Ann Johnstone and Matthew Wood, Founder of Hello Partner, explain more here .

The Workshops – What Will You Learn?

Four workshops have been scheduled for the afternoon of Monday October 23. These are in-depth practical workshops for Affiliate Program Managers. You will gain access to expert-led content from veterans in the field of affiliate and performance marketing. 

Workshop 1: How to quantify and discover new affiliates to work with in a diverse traffic economy and stay ahead of your competitive marketplace

Workshop Lecturers:
Lee-Ann Johnstone (Founder of Affiverse)
Leanna Klyne (Agency Director, Affiverse)

In this workshop, you’ll learn the success framework we use to launch, scale and grow successful affiliate programs for our clients. Using our marketing flywheel approach you’ll learn how to continue to discover and grow new affiliate partnerships for your program, follow best practices and guides to move momentum forward, and discuss key areas that often get neglected when running an affiliate program in-house.

Workshop 2: How to market and sell your affiliate program and attract new publishers by leveraging the power of your own personal brand. 

Workshop Lecturer: Dean Seddon (Founder of Maverrik) 

Social Media has enabled us to connect and develop new business relationships directly, but how do you use your own social branding presence to influence your affiliate program and build stronger relationships? In this workshop you are going to learn a simple framework that, when implemented consistently, will help you build your connections and scale your affiliate program brand so that publishers WANT to be part of your business and come to you to to sign up!

Workshop 3: Triage your affiliate program with industry veterans

Q. What is a Triage Session?

A. A short sharp burst of expertise!

This is about finding workable improvements with stewards who have tactical experience. Triaging is highly interactive and collaborative and requires business focussed conversation. It’s about finding workable improvements and creates situational awareness.

This is your opportunity to ask the questions you have always wanted answers to, around these subjects:

Table 1: Reactivation tactics that will help your affiliate program grow

Hosted by Sarafina Wolde Gabriel (CSO, Rightlander and Non-Executive Advisor, Affiverse)

Table 2: Auditing your Affiliate Program – Finding areas of growth and bringing new partners into the mix

Hosted by Wade Tonkin (Director, Global Affiliate Marketing at Fanatics, Inc.)

Table 3: Embracing Influencers as part of your Affiliate Program

Hosted by Sanchit Sareen (EMEA Director, impact.com)

Table 4: Mitigating fraud and implementing better compliance practices

Hosted by Ian Sims (Founder, Rightlander)


Workshop 4: Panel Discussion – Future Affiliate Management trends and how to apply them to your daily routines 

Moderated by: Lee-Ann Johnstone, Founder of Affiverse

Panelists will include:

  • Anna Hecht (Editorial Director at Global Savings Group)
  • Dan Staples (VP Client Development, CJ.com)
  • Kevin Edwards (Founder of The APMA)


In this workshop  we will be talking to industry experts from across the spectrum of the industry to share some of the tactical things they’re seeing and doing that are helping affiliate marketing programs and partnerships grow. We’ll also be looking ahead to define some future trends that managers need to be looking at to leapfrog their competitors for 2024.

And Finally…

Enjoy post-event networking together!

How to join us

Access this essential AMLeaders event by booking your ticket HERE.

Please be aware that the event is just 3 weeks away and seats are limited! Seize the opportunity to revolutionise your affiliate program and learn with the best. PI LIVE Europe delegates can also save £50 on their AMLeaders booking so go and grab your ticket NOW!

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