Twitter ad revenue share feature set for rollout - Affiverse
By Affiverse

Twitter ad revenue share feature set for rollout

June 28, 2023 Industry News, Reports, Twitter

A new Twitter ad revenue share feature is reportedly set for a public launch, with options for the new initiative discovered in the platform’s back-end code.

It’s been difficult to keep up with the news coming out of Twitter over the past six months or so. It seems to be in a state of constant flux, and nobody quite knows where it could be heading next. With this most recent development, the company intends to offer creators and influencers financial rewards for ads posted as replies to their Tweets.

Elon Musk has bemoaned Twitter’s financial woes since he took over the platform back in October 2022. It seemed strange then that he would decide to behave in such a way that sent advertisers running for the hills, and he has yet to reassure all major brands that he is not at the helm of an increasingly toxic and hate-filled platform.

However, Twitter needs to make money somehow, and Musk needs to make the platform a more attractive space for brands and creators if he wants his newly acquired company to be financially viable for the long term.

Twitter has long been a space largely populated by journalists and politicians. While these users serve an important social function and are the main reason why Twitter is regarded as such a valuable news source, the lack of more entertainment-focused creators and influencers means Twitter has lagged behind other platforms, like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

With the new Twitter ad revenue share feature, it’s clear that the company is looking to provide incentives to attract more creators and influencers to the platform. The feature will be made available to Twitter Blue subscribers and will offer them a share of revenue generated by ads posted in replies to their Tweets.

It would appear that the feature is primed for public launch, and users can expect to see the option made available soon. According to reports, the revenue-sharing plan will launch with a $5 million lump sum that will be shared among creators and influencers on the app.

For affiliate marketers, this new feature could see Twitter become a more attractive option. Affiliates can currently see better results on rival platforms, but with this new feature, affiliates who share links and products on Twitter will have the chance to generate additional revenue from ads posted in their replies.

Affiliate program managers should be watching this situation closely, and they must be prepared to renew their focus on Twitter as part of their campaign management strategies.