Twitlongers are finally here with a limit of 4,000 characters rolled out - Affiverse
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Twitlongers are finally here with a limit of 4,000 characters rolled out

In a rather succinct explanation of Twitter’s latest feature advancement, the official Twitter account tweeted out: “more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words,” etc. eliminating the need for Twitlongers.

Yes, longer tweets are now available on Twitter. If the 280-character limit wasn’t working for you, now you have the option of 4,000 characters – IF you sign up for Twitter Blue.

Yes, Twitter and Elon Musk are still pushing their subscription service, arguably with a feature that would actually make paying for Twitter worth it: Twitlongers.

In another tweet, Twitter explained: “[Twitter Blue users] can also compose longer Tweets in a Quote Tweet or reply. Standard functionality like posting media, creating polls, and using hashtags still apply. Everyone will be able to read longer Tweets, but only Twitter Blue subscribers can create them.”

Marketers can use a longer character limit to give greater detail to their social media marketing posts, or a wealth of other instances where a longer post might be necessary.

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