TikTok adds new marketing Promote features to its clips - Affiverse
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TikTok adds new marketing Promote features to its clips

TikTok has released four new Promote tools to help brands, marketers, and creators to get more eyes on their content and get their content out there.

As explained by TikTok: “Small businesses of every kind are already using Promote to help bring their big dreams to life. Business owners looking to build awareness and drive revenue use Promote to turn their organic content into ads, and love its easy setup, powerful targeting, and practical analytics. If you haven’t already dug into Promote to see what it can do for you, you should get started.”

Promote options originally could be optimised only for video views, website views, and TikTok follows. Now, brands will be able to drive more visits to their TikTok page with a new promote goal, get more messages from potential customers with the “more messages” promote goal, boost other creators’ content and target your audience by location.

“If you’re creating great videos that tell your brand’s story or show off a range of products or services, Promote’s new ‘more profile views’ goal may be just what you need to drive brand love.”

“Quality leads can be like gold for small businesses—precious and rare. Promote’s new “more messages” goal now helps turn more of your target audience into potential leads, right in your TikTok inbox.”

A lot of these new features can be useful to small businesses and brands for the sake of marketing and reaching more achievable goals like website hits and sales.

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