Three reasons to get expert support as a new affiliate manager - Affiverse
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Three reasons to get expert support as a new affiliate manager

Starting out in any new career means that you will inevitably make numerous mistakes, and being an affiliate manager is no different. But making these errors is important, since it’s only through trial and error that you’ll enjoy both longevity and success in this industry.

Nonetheless, it’s never a bad thing to learn from people who have not only been in your path before, but also been successful. There are a multitude of reasons for this, such as learning things that may have otherwise taken years and even building out your professional network.

We’re going to outline some of the biggest benefits that you, as a new affiliate manager, can get from seeking expert help.

Cut out the mistakes quicker

Mistakes are inevitable, especially in your early career days. We actually wrote a piece about three common struggles that a new affiliate manager might encounter not long ago, which you can check out here.

However, one way to ensure that the learning curve doesn’t resemble climbing Mount Everest – in the middle of winter – is to cut out the schoolboy errors straight away. Listening to an experienced head will help you in this sense, since you’ll not only be able to hear about their biggest struggles but also discover how they overcame them.

Build your professional network

When you attend affiliate marketing workshops, you will be joined by other people in the same profession as you. But you shouldn’t let that unsettle you, or look at these individuals as your competition. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to network with new people and potentially build long-lasting partnerships.

This step requires being proactive. Introduce yourself and provide value; share your ideas with other attendees and exchange information with others. Connect with them on platforms such as LinkedIn and keep in touch, too. You never know if the people in your class can open new opportunities for you in the future.

Which brings us on to point number three…

Accelerate your career growth 

The combination of learning and networking are the two biggest factors that lead to many people having successful careers – regardless of their profession and industry. If somebody with decades of experience is sharing their most valuable assets – time and their mind – with you, then you should take advantage of that and tap into their expettise.

Naturally, you’ll be in a better position to progress after absorbing information from those who’ve been there and done it. And of course, having a certificate to add to your CV is nice. If you engage in activities and conversations, there’s also a chance that you will be remembered and have a good word put in for you when opportunities arise. This is especially helpful when a lot of the most sought-after jobs are never actually advertised.

The TL;DR from all of this is…

While the path to success is often a lonely one, it’s not possible to do it on your own. Affiliate marketing is blessed with a number of stalwarts who’ve been through every industry change imaginable, putting them in a great position to share their expertise onto others.

Becoming an affiliate manager means learning how to manage and build relationships, as well as determining when and when not to pursue a deal and more. These skills take time to pick up, but you can pick them up quicker by attending workshops and always keeping an open mind to learning.

Aside from learning the technical bits and bobs of your role, you’ll gain a variety of transferrable personal skills. These will serve you well not just professionally, but in all walks of life.

Affiverse CEO Lee-Ann Johnstone is hosting a three-month training course called the Affiliate Management Performance Program (AMPP).

Delegates will receive an hour-long live session with her each week and cover numerous topics related to affiliate marketing and program management.

You can download the AMPP brochure and find out the skills that you’ll learn from attending it, as well as book a place, here.

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