Remote customer interaction consultation extended - Affiverse
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remote customer interaction consultation

Remote customer interaction consultation deadline extended by Gambling Commission

Following its success and high engagement, the Gambling Commission has opted to extend the deadline on its remote customer interaction consultation.

This was initially launched on 3 November. It sought to acquire feedback and views on how operators can make improvements to identify players at risk of gambling harm. These calls were specifically made to consumers and those with experience of problem gambling.

The Gambling Commission set up the operation as they had collected evidence to suggest that operators were not performing in this area as they should. With the potential there to raise the threshold, many were not necessarily taking the actions needed.

The consultation states: “As part of these new requirements, we propose that online gambling operators must act on information they have about a consumer’s vulnerability, and to introduce stronger requirements, including that operators must conduct defined affordability assessments at thresholds set by the Commission.”

The deadline for this remote customer interaction consultation was initially supposed to be 12 November 2021. However, the high levels of engagement they have received since the launch has caused the Commission to push the deadline back until early February.

In doing so, they hope to be able to receive feedback in even more detail, along with a strong collection of evidence. This can then be used to set up new controls and regulations which should make online gambling even safer for consumers.

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