Playtech and Holland Casino partner up for responsible gambling research - Affiverse
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Playtech and Holland Casino partner up for responsible gambling research

A new project has been announced by Holland Casino and Playtech to join up to research responsible gambling. The project, to take place in the Netherlands, will be a four-year-long endeavor designed to explore solutions to ensure responsible gambling.

Titled, “A Safe Bet: design and evaluation of a player-tailored online responsible gambling promotion framework”, the project will be led by the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Amsterdam using data from Holland Casino’s Playtech-powered online products.

“While there are already tools to help customers gamble safely, we want to significantly improve the effectiveness and use of these tools among customers,” said Playtech COO Shimon Akad. “We believe the best way to achieve this goal is to work collaboratively with academic experts who can identify and evaluate new approaches based on scientific theory.”

Holland Casino CEO Petra de Ruiter said of the partnership: “In our casinos, we ensure that our guests play fairly and responsibly in a reliable environment. That social responsibility is of paramount importance to us. Also at Holland Casino Online, which has now existed for more than a year, it is crucial that we continue to learn from experts in order to strengthen our prevention policy.”

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