Online casino affiliate site,, has been acquired by the international iGaming brand, Fable Media, which will see the affiliate site promote new casino software brands and provide iGaming updates.
Fable Media has expressed that it wishes to improve the accessibility to by developing a responsive design which is optimized for all devices, including mobile and tablet browsers, and a friendly, easy-to-read tone.
Kristoffer Holten Madsen, Head of Marketing, commented on the acquisition announcement: “ is a very welcome addition to our roster of UK affiliate sites. Despite already having a solid standing in the UK market, we’re always on the look-out for opportunities to expand our reach.”
The affiliate site is set to bolster Fable Media’s presence across the UK gambling scene, with the company already boasting a presence via its several online casino comparison and affiliate sites.
Fable Media has enjoyed a number of successes in the last five years, gaining recognition for its offering of well-known affiliate solutions and high calibre casino and bingo brands.
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