Kindred Group calls for collaboration at Sustainable Gambling Conference - Affiverse
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Kindred Group calls for collaboration at Sustainable Gambling Conference

Kindred Group CEO Henrik Tjärnström has argued that the “industry needs a collaborative approach on sustainability”, when speaking at the firm’s Sustainable Gambling Conference.

Discussing the context of industry sustainability, Kindred highlighted the need for “all-around stakeholder collaboration”.

“We have taken this initiative because we are convinced that cooperation is necessary to prevent problem gambling. No operator, supplier, regulatory authority, research centre, treatment centre or other experts can solve the challenges alone, we must learn from each other and cooperate in these important issues”, declared Tjärnström.

The conference put forward a number of fresh proposals, to meet the current challenges of developing a more sustainable gambling sector. Potential future sector proposals included:

  • Developing an industry education programme, teaching young audiences about the risks of gambling
  • Establishing a  joint blocking system – ‘Players who have a problematic gambling behaviour should not be able to play with any gambling company’.
  • Introducing a ban on credit wagering.

Backing a collaborative approach on tackling sustainability, Tjärnström further commented: “To remain successful, we need to build trust by taking responsibility throughout the entire chain. For Kindred, sustainability is about creating long-term and healthy relationships with all stakeholders.”

“To do that, we need to collaborate, utilise important research findings and integrate these into our tools and products. That’s the only way for us to create the best experience for our customers, inspire others, steer the development in the right direction and create a more sustainable gambling industry”.

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