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Affiliate program expansion: tips for going global

If you’ve enjoyed exponential growth for a while, you might come to a point where you start thinking about expanding your affiliate program into new markets. Those places might speak a language different to your own. Maybe the weather will even be good and you can enjoy a few business trips to wherever it may be. 

Exciting, right? Well, yes. But hold your horses – there are some things you need to consider. 

Every market will require attention in a variety of areas, meaning that prior research and effective planning are both crucial. Good thing you’re reading this, then, because that’s what we’re going to focus on today. 

Optimise for the language that will be spoken in your target market 

This one’s pretty obvious, but vital nonetheless. If you’re expanding somewhere where English isn’t the main language, you need to provide services in whatever is. This is applicable even if you’re moving into a place where English is widely-spoken, such as Sweden. And of course, going from the UK to the US would require you to use US English. 

Copying and pasting all of your content into Google Translate is no good, though. You need to either work with translators who are native speakers of the language in your target market, or hire somebody with that level of proficiency. Don’t try to act like a polyglot if you aren’t, because you’ll look foolish and the credibility of your program will be damaged 

Conduct in-depth market research 

Consumer trends differ from border-to-border. While players in one country may engage with sports betting offers the most, those somewhere else may prefer to play casino games or something else. Like with anything else, there is no one-size-fits-all product and you therefore need to find out what individuals are looking for in specific parts of the world. 

Market research is also important to determine whether or not it’s even worth you expanding somewhere. Building a global presence can be expensive – even more so if you fluff your lines and later need to go back to the drawing board. 

You know how the old saying goes: fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Analyse the opportunities and risks for expanding into a particular market, as well as the potential you have to enjoy long-term success there. Doing all of these will enable you to make a better-educated decision. 

Adapt to the local culture

This somewhat feeds into the point above, but is even more important in a business context. When looking for new partners, it’s likely that you will need to meet people in the flesh. Therefore, you need to understand what is and isn’t frowned upon locally. 

Understanding the local culture of your target market goes beyond the basics – such as greetings. You also need to find out whether anything is considered taboo, as well as what is well-received. (Again, this will be easier for you with the help of somebody who grew up in that location). 

By doing the above and adapting accordingly, you will build a better rapport with prospective clients and also be in a better position to serve players in that market well. 

To summarise… 

Taking your affiliate program global is exciting, but comes with its share of challenges. Because of this, it’s important to prepare for any possible pitfalls and also gain a proper understanding of your target market and audience(s). 

Professionally translating all of your materials into the local language is a must, especially if it’s somewhere like Latin America where English proficiency is lower than in much of Europe. You also need to be aware of customs, along with local advertising regulations. 

It’s important to get the help of those with experience in your target market, whether that be through native speakers translating your content or asking those already familiar with it what tends to work and not work. By putting in the necessary work beforehand, you’ll give your affiliate program a better chance of serving your new partners in a way that benefits all. 

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