How to build an affiliate network from the ground up - Affiverse
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How to build an affiliate network from the ground up

Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is certainly true in terms of affiliate marketing. Building an affiliate network from the ground up is not easy, but there are certain things a new affiliate can do to best play to their strengths. Let’s take a look at what you can do when building your business.

Understand your audience

Every platform that you could choose will have its own audience. Though you might be using two platforms that are owned by the same parent – such as Facebook and Instagram – the audiences between the two will be very different.

Therefore, you should take the time to learn about the ways that you can best reach your audience on each platform. Though they might be interested in similar products, they might require very different approaches when it comes to informing them about these products.

Likewise, there might be a product that appeals to an audience on one platform, but not another. You need to ensure that you are developing an omnichannel approach so you can sell your affiliate opportunities to anyone who might be interested, no matter where this interest is coming from.


An affiliate marketer needs to be an expert networker. With the right affiliate network behind you, you will have all the tools and resources you need to meet any goal.

The easiest way to network is to attend events. There are plenty of events throughout the year for both affiliate marketing in general and your specific niche or industry. Research the participants beforehand, and find the panels that you want to attend. Participate to the best of your abilities, and then follow up on any connections you make afterwards. You can make some brilliant connections at events, but you need to be prepared to put in the effort to pursue them.

Have a strategy

If you want to build a concrete affiliate network from the ground up, you need to make sure that you have a good marketing strategy in place. Remember that this strategy should be flexible – if it looks like one type of content isn’t working, you may need to abandon that plan and try something new.

Though it may reach the point where your affiliate network will expect a certain approach from you, in the early days you need to go with what the market is telling you to do. Your strategy will help you find the right tracks, so you need to make sure that you plan as much as suits you. Some work best with a meticulous plan packed with detail; others prefer to get the basics down and work on solutions as they are needed. Find a happy medium that works for you.

Building your affiliate network from the ground up is likely to have several setbacks. Make sure you learn from your mistakes, and keep your eyes fixed on your goals. The world of affiliate marketing has a lot to offer the right person!

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