How can you leverage FAQ pages in 2021? - Affiverse
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How can you leverage FAQ pages in 2021?

You would be forgiven for believing that FAQ pages are just there to save the customer service team some time. Yes, they answer frequent questions and cut down on the number of customers phoning or emailing questions over, but they also have SEO benefits. Did you know that FAQ pages can actually improve your SEO and help you to rank on Google?

Here, we’ll look at how this works and offer some tips to help you leverage FAQs pages in your SEO strategy for 2021.

Do FAQ pages really boost SEO?

While an FAQ page isn’t going to be the answer to all of your ranking problems, affiliates and affiliate managers alike can benefit from SEO improvements with the use of an FAQ page. Typically, FAQ pages will include terms that are frequently searched for and Google has a spot to place your answers if they are relevant and accurate.

FAQs can also drive a large amount of highly targeted content to your website. Google will see your website as an educational tool that is focused on helping visitors. Over time, all of these factors contribute to driving your ranking and boosting your SEO.

So, how do you leverage an FAQ page to make it work for you?

Things to avoid

First things first, we must discuss some of the mistakes that affiliate managers make when trying to create an optimised FAQ page. Yes, you may have some frequently asked questions from affiliates to include but you also need to think outside the box. Unless your program is one of the leading brands, users aren’t going to be searching for specific terms related to your company.

For example, a question about your contact details or opening hours isn’t going to make as much of an impact as a question about ‘how affiliate programs work’.

Do the research

To really leverage FAQ pages as an affiliate or affiliate manager, you must do the research. In the same way that you would check out the most searched for keywords, you also need to find out which questions are being asked and in what way.

There are some great tools out there like Ahrefs which provide this information and can help you to generate topics that are going to work for you.

Be helpful with answers

It isn’t just about asking the right questions; you also need to answer them properly if you want to start ranking in those ‘frequently asked’ sections. So, think carefully about how you answer each question.

Be concise, be helpful and always answer the question. Try to use your brand voice and try adding some creative content to give it a bit more flair.

Keep it updated

In affiliate marketing, things change all the time, so you need to be willing to revisit your FAQ content and keep it updated. Have your offers changed? Are you now working with new brands? This content needs to be up to date and accurate, otherwise, Google will see through your attempts.

Just like you would update your site content regularly, look at your FAQs and make them count.

SEO requires hard work…

Landing that position zero rank is tricky but if you can put all of the SEO best practices into place, you can make a good attempt at it. If FAQs haven’t been in your SEO strategy before, make them a priority in 2021. Over time, you’ll see a difference, as long as you do it right!

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