How Ad Fraud Is Impacting Your Affiliate Program Profit - Affiverse

How Ad Fraud Is Impacting Your Affiliate Program Profit

Ad fraud is a growing threat in affiliate marketing, and affiliate managers are at the forefront of defending against it, as we recently bared all in this month’s webinar about Affiliate Fraud. Just how much of a problem is ad fraud to your affiliate program and are you even aware that it’s happening? 

VPP, one of the oldest direct Yahoo feeds, experienced this firsthand in their program. They were facing substantial challenges in identifying and mitigating fraudulent ad traffic being sent to their platform from various partners, which affected their ability to scale operations and deliver value to their customers. This was having a knock-on effect on their business.

In this case study which has shared, identifies the scale and impact that ad fraud can have in your affiliate program and describe how best to combat this growing systemic influx of fraudulent traffic that you may also unknowingly be paying for.

Let’s break the situation down into segments and showcase where and how you can actively stamp out ad fraud from partners that you may be dealing with who purchase advertising and re-sell it into your affiliate program. 

Understanding affiliate fraud and how to combat it

Fraudsters constantly innovate their methods to exploit weaknesses in search engine marketing. Still, one of the most vulnerable channels within digital marketing and a popular channel in use by affiliates to gain traffic. These fraudulent affiliates then convert their traffic sources to businesses and advertisers who unwittingly compensate them for traffic that isn’t legitimately sourced. 

Despite using traditional fraud detection solutions, VPP couldn’t keep pace with the evolving tactics of digital fraudsters. Bots, human click farms, and other fraudulent lead generation and performance marketing activities were infiltrating their traffic sources, increasing their business costs and diminishing returns on consumers they were servicing.

The situation put VPP in a tough spot: continue operating with a risk of fraud or slow down their operations to limit fraud exposure and only pay for qualified customers. Many businesses are concerned about the impact of their growth stats when talking about fraud but we have to consider a mindset change to think of fraud detection as a cost center leading to profit. Understanding where and how you are being defrauded starts with understanding where and how your affiliates are buying or obtaining their traffic. 

Along with that, having clear onboarding and KYC processes in place within your affiliate team helps to eliminate the first signs of fraud as you’re getting to know your partners before you allow them to promote or send fraudulent traffic to your site. 

Why did they turn to Anura?

Anura stood out for its no-nonsense approach to fraud detection. 

Unlike other solutions that used a “fraud scale” to rate suspicious traffic, Anura made a clear distinction: either traffic was legitimate or it wasn’t. This clarity gave VPP confidence in the system and allowed them to clearly identify what their definition of fraud was and how they’d like to deal with any incoming traffic head on.

As Nick Szabo, Revenue Operations Director at VPP, stated, “If Anura told me it was bad, I can be really confident that it’s bad.”

Within the first month of implementing Anura into their incoming traffic flow, Anura detected more fraudulent traffic on VPP’s network than any other solution VPP had tested. This success wasn’t just due to Anura’s robust detection capabilities but also because of the platform’s adaptability. Anura seamlessly integrated with VPP’s in-house solution, allowing for custom fixes and updates to the detection algorithm, ensuring that VPP stayed ahead of new fraud threats.

Fraud detection requires an experienced partner to manage it – not just a supplier to implement it

What really set Anura apart from other vendors for VPP,  was the level of customer service that came with the technology being implemented on their platform. Fraud is not a one and done service it requires tweaking and a good understanding of what you want to let in and what you need to stamp out. Whether it was responding to algorithm update requests during the holidays or rapidly reacting to new fraud patterns, Anura’s team worked closely with VPP as though they were an extension of their in-house acquisition team. This close collaboration allowed VPP to prevent a large-scale fraud event before it became a significant issue that led downstream to other areas of their business such as customer service or finance which also impacts profit margins on sales.

As Szabo noted, “They were so responsive, and they worked really closely with us. It’s like having a boutique service, and that’s what transforms Anura from being a third-party vendor to being a partner or even a member of our team.

With Anura, VPP was no longer fearful of investing in large traffic volumes. The company could scale confidently, knowing that their fraud detection system would protect them from bad traffic and unnecessary costs.

Why this matters for Affiliate Managers

For affiliate managers, this case study offers critical insights. Fraud doesn’t just erode profits; it also undermines the trust between affiliates, networks, and advertisers. In a world where performance and trust are key, ad fraud can destroy the integrity of entire campaigns, brands and relationships.

Affiliate managers need a solution that not only detects fraud but also adapts to emerging threats, providing real-time insights and scalability. Anura’s solution offers precisely that, making it an essential tool for affiliate programs that want to maintain transparency, trust, and profitability. 

Moreover, Anura’s case study highlights the importance of the fraud detecting partnership. In the affiliate space, where success is often determined by the accuracy of data and the reliability of partners, having a fraud detection system that works as an extension of your team can be a game-changer.

Final thoughts

As affiliate marketing continues to evolve, so do the tactics of online fraudsters. We all need to be vigilant in terms of removing this from our programs. The savings alone can be redirected to new opportunities to scale your sales or hire additional resources to grow your business faster. 

VPP’s experience with Anura demonstrates the importance of advanced, adaptable fraud detection solutions. Anura not only helped VPP prevent significant fraud but also enabled them to scale their business confidently at the same time.

For affiliate managers, this case study is a reminder of the importance of investing in robust fraud detection tools and choosing partners that prioritize responsiveness and long-term collaboration.  Safeguarding your program from fraud is not just about reducing financial losses—it’s about protecting your reputation and the integrity of the entire affiliate ecosystem.

Don’t overlook the threat of ad fraud. A solution like Anura can help protect your program and ensure that your traffic is clean, your affiliates are trustworthy, and your profits are secure. 

Get a FREE TRIAL today – and test what percentage of traffic you’re getting that is legitimate and won’t affect your profits!

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