Hidden Facebook tools for affiliates to use - Affiverse
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Hidden Facebook tools that every affiliate marketer should be aware of

Of all the social media platforms that you might use for your campaigns, one of the most important might be Facebook. This is a great way to build and connect with an audience, so you must be prepared to leverage this platform in any way that you can. As a result, there are some hidden Facebook tools that you should be prepared to learn about if you want to take your presence on Facebook to the next step.

Facebook is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment, from a rebrand to the development of its tools and services. Affiliates need to master existing tools now, as they could help to take their activities on Facebook to the next level. With the right collection of tools you will hopefully be able to increase your engagement on this key platform, and help you manage your ad spend more effectively.


Are you currently making use of Facebook Messenger? Nearly everyone has Messenger on their phone, and it is obviously used on the site itself. It is one of the perfect hidden Facebook tools as it is right there in front of you to start using!

This is similar to email marketing in that you are sending messages and offers directly to customers. However, it can be a lot more effective. Messages on Facebook Messenger can carry an open rate of 50-80%, and they can also have a conversion rate that is 3-5x higher than Facebook desktop ads.

Comment Guards

So, how do you collect names together to be able to send them something through Messenger? The answer is a comment guard. This is a special feature that allows you to add contacts to your Messenger contact list when they comment on a post you create on Facebook.

It is quite simple. When you post something on Facebook, your audience will comment on it. They then get an automatic reply in Messenger that you will have set up beforehand. All they need to do is then engage with this reply to be added to your Facebook Messenger contact list.

Warm engaged invites

Facebook does not like pages that have a lot of fans, but not a lot of engagement. It is one reason why you need to push for engagement through your posts, and this can be done by using the next hidden Facebook tool.

Find a post on your page that currently has a good level of engagement. By viewing who has engaged with your post, such as by reacting to it, you will also be able to invite them to like the page if they have not already.

Competitor’s ads

You won’t be able to see how well a competitor’s ads performed, but there are several other important metrics you could learn from them that could benefit you. Just head to a competitor’s page and find a button marked ‘i’ – i for information!

From here you will be able to learn interesting details such as the history of the page, but there is also a section for ad history. When you go to the ad library, you will be able to see the ads that they have run in the past and any that they might have going at the moment you view them. This can give you a little insight into the types of copy that they use, plus whether they have any repeat strategies that they return to time and time again.

Pages to watch

Do you know who your biggest competition is? If not, you need to take a look at another of the hidden Facebook tools that might be right under your nose. Go to your Facebook Page Insights and find the section marked “Pages to Watch”.

Here, you will be able to see your potential competitors. You can add them to your watch pages which means that Facebook will let you keep up with their activity and engagement. They initially show you five competitors, but you can find more simply by clicking “See More Suggested Pages”.

Conversion optimisation

Many of the other hidden Facebook tools have been right under your nose, and the same can be said for this last one. Did you know that you could track specific conversions through your Facebook Ads Manager? If not, this is something that you should optimise as soon as possible.

When you head to the Conversions section of the Ads Manager, you will find a massive list of potential conversions to track. Try to focus on at least five types of conversion to truly optimise it, and focus on leads and conversions from the sources that would best benefit your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Master your Facebook marketing now

Your Facebook pages will be a vital part of any affiliate ad campaign that you run, so you must have a good handle on the tools you use to create these campaigns. Learning how to master these hidden tools could be a vital step here that could put you ahead of your competitors.

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