Google’s fight against disinformation – how is this helping affiliates rank? - Affiverse
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Google’s fight against disinformation – how is this helping affiliates rank?

Google recently published a detailed white paper explaining exactly how they are fighting the spread of disinformation. Here we discuss precisely what they categorise as disinformation – and how affiliates can use this to their advantage to outrank their competitors.

How Google defines disinformation

Google outlined that disinformation can be defined as “deliberate efforts to deceive and mislead using the speed, scale and technologies of the open web”. The open web refers to Google products such as Google Search, Google Ads, News – and the video platform YouTube.  
Google’s efforts haven’t come without criticism.  There have been cases reported where publishers have been rejected with very little explanation – if any at all.  And in other instances – other publishers have problematic content getting around the rules.  Hopefully, these are teething issues and will be resolved over time.  

How does it fight misinformation?

There are three main pillars that Google will take into consideration, which are:
    The quality of the content
    Authenticity of content
    Adding context to content
Google is certainly clear about how they rank results. Its inextricably linked to the quality of content that’s on the page.  They also state that their algorithm is sophisticated enough to tell whether a news article, for example, is accurate, and if not whether the portal had any malicious intent.  To add to the authenticity of the content, Google states that the user should know exactly the kind of material that they are viewing, and why they see it.  They also favour portals that give the user the chance to comment or provide feedback.

How this can help affiliates rank?

Affiliates that are focused on providing a quality product  with content that solves user queries will help you rank.  In order to make the most of this, you need to make sure that you are producing original content that adds value to the user.  Wherever possible include research references, facts, and figures – to let the user (and Google) know that you are an authoritative source.  
FAQ’s are a great way of answering a specific questions that a user may ask in a search query.  As well as aligning well with the latest white paper on misinformation – it will also help with your voice search SEO strategy. Make the content as in-depth as possible. Incorporate the functionality for user-generated content from visitors of the site. This will provide your users with a much more authentic experience, and they also may provide you with feedback that can help you improve the experience.
If a user does interact with your portal, make sure you respond to them and engage. This shows that you are taking their feedback seriously and can often allow you to mediate. This latest release from Google is good news for affiliates. If you carry on creating a quality content that gives the user valuable and unique information – you will come out on top.

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