Exness Affiliates Celebrate a Successful Affiliate Retreat

Exness Affiliates, in collaboration with PropellerAds, hosted an Affiliate Retreat on 29 May in Yerevan, Armenia, to kick off the MAC Affiliate Conference. This invitation-only event targeted top players in the affiliate marketing industry from finance, gambling, and iGaming verticals, aiming to foster valuable connections in a relaxed setting.

The result? More than 150 top-tier guests and 96% positive feedback*. Let’s delve into the key ingredients that made this affiliate networking event a resounding success.

Key ingredients of a successful networking event in the affiliate industry

Ingredient 1: Targeted invitees

Curate a guest list that elevates networking value and paves the way for fruitful collaborations. The Affiliate Retreat was designed for publishers, affiliate marketers, webmasters, and ad networks in certain verticals. This targeted strategy facilitated high-quality networking with industry peers and allowed attendees to maximize valuable contacts. One guest remarked, “Very useful and eventful gathering.”

Ingredient 2: Compelling concept

Develop an event theme that captivates your target audience. The Affiliate Retreat, with its slogan “Unwind. Relax. Connect,” blended business networking with leisure to create an irresistible draw.

Ingredient 3: Perfect timing

Strategically schedule your event to maximize attendance and ensure the entertainment lineup suits everyone’s availability. Aware of the MAC Affiliate Conference preparty scheduled for 8 pm, we adjusted our event to 4 pm. This change allowed guests to enjoy our gathering before heading to the official MAC event.

Ingredient 4: Ideal venue

Select a venue that complements the event’s vibe and encourages connection. The Zen restaurant in Yerevan, with its tranquil atmosphere, outdoor pool, and stunning views, was the quintessential place for fostering networking in a breathtaking setting.

Ingredient 5: Tailored entertainment

Cater to all preferences with a mix of entertainment and relaxation options. Affiliate Retreat guests were offered activities ranging from relaxed networking and refreshing beverages to shoulder massages and an ambient DJ set, all curated to suit marketers’ varied tastes.

Ingredient 6: Collaboration with the industry leader

Forge partnerships with the main affiliate players. Exness Affiliates and PropellerAds united their strengths to tap into a wider audience. The synergy between the brands significantly bolstered the collective reach and the joint value proposition for the attendees.

Ingredient 7: Effective communication

Maintain consistent engagement with your invitees and advertise your event on relevant affiliate news platforms to ensure visibility.

The Affiliate Retreat was promoted on different affiliate-related media and included in the MAC conference newsletter. To keep the excitement high and ensure a memorable experience, organizers executed an email update sequence and launched a Telegram channel for instant updates.


Mix these ingredients thoroughly, and you’ll have the perfect recipe for an unforgettable affiliate networking event that is both productive and enjoyable.

With the right partnerships, timing, theme, venue, entertainment, and communication strategy, you’ll deliver an experience that resonates with attendees and yields tangible results.

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Event impact and testimonials

Participants hailed the event for its “Diverse set of participants, amazing interactions,” and “outstanding atmosphere, venue, music, people, and decorations.” It was even called “the best side-event during the MAC Affiliate Conference”, with “very attentive hosts, good networking, and enough time to talk to everybody.”*

Want to be the first on the guest list for our future events? Become our affiliate partner.

(*According to the feedback form issued by Exness Affiliates, post-event revealed a median score of 4.8 out of 5, reflecting the exceptional experience provided to guests.)

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