Excitement mounts for AskGamblers Awards 2020 - Affiverse
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Excitement mounts for AskGamblers Awards 2020

I caught up with the team at AskGamblers to talk about the upcoming annual Ask Gamblers awards ahead of Halloween week.

With an outstanding result received from last year’s Awards event and just a few short months to go before we head back over to Belgrade to support the kick off of the 2020 Awards ceremony, I wanted to give you the inside scoop on what to expect:

AI: Voting for the AskGamblers Awards 2020 is underway – what are you guys planning for next year’s event and why should operators get involved early to participate in this initiative?

AG: We are definitely taking the whole event to a higher level, both content-wise and in the organisational sense. A lot of new things will be added to the main event; but let’s keep that bit a secret for now! Given that this is one of the most unique events in the industry –  it is important for our partners and operators to remain engaged when it comes to the promotion of the Ask Gamblers Awards. As players are the ones choosing the best brands, it is important to be constantly visible to engage them.

AI: I know your team doesn’t do anything in half measures and Halloween is now upon us… What ghoulish, crazy things can we expect from AskGamblers on the website and at the Awards event?

AG: Of course we’ve prepared a truly creeptastic AskGamblers surprise for Halloween! As for the AskGamblers Awards, we’re expecting to see some amazing outfits on the red carpet, as the event will once again be a glamorous night full of style and elegance. Spoiler alert: we’re already working on our attire!

AI: How are you engaging players over Halloween or other seasonal holidays to participate in voting this year?

AG: It’s a well-known fact that AskGamblers always comes up with entertaining and delightful promotions for every seasonal holiday. Naturally, we will use the opportunity of players being involved in these promotions to also cast their votes on our AskGamblers Awards page.

AI: What can brands expect when they participate and attend the AskGamblers Awards?

AG: From the red carpet and paparazzi to glasses filled with delicious champagne. Apart from the glam, the AskGamblers Awards event will be a great opportunity to meet other partners from the industry, get more visibility and exposure for their brands and be part of our Charity event, through which they’ll be able to help those who need help the most.

AI: I am quite excited to attend the ceremony again as the interview host and official media partner, but what will you be doing differently to last year? Can you give our readers a teaser on what to expect?

AG: As we have early insight into the players votes at the moment, we can definitely say that it will be a tough fight to conclude a winner until the very end. The AskGamblers Awards’ stage setting will be fresh for sure and a couple of other things will be set up in a different way, as well. One thing’s for sure: we’re 100% certain you’re going to enjoy the night even more than we did in the last year!

For more information about participating at the awards , the shortlists and how to engage your audience to support players choices visit: https://awards.askgamblers.com

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