Why eCommerce needs affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing needs teens
We talk a lot about affiliate marketing here. How to do it, how to do it well, what are the social media implications, etc. but it is worth reminding ourselves
We talk a lot about affiliate marketing here. How to do it, how to do it well, what are the social media implications, etc. but it is worth reminding ourselves
The internet is still considered somewhat of a Wild West landscape when it comes to credit. People share, retweet, and post with abandon, not worried about if the original creator
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make a regular income. In fact, theoretically, with a large enough audience, a couple of hours at the computer can make you almost
The terms, affiliates, influencers, and ambassadors, get tossed around interchangeably. For the most part, that’s harmless. They are all terms to describe someone getting paid to market a brand’s products
The new social media platform, BeReal is gaining popularity around the world, with downloads up 315% in 2022 alone. But what is BeReal? And does it have any marketing potential?
When you think of social media advertising, Pinterest won’t be the first that comes to mind. Instead, you’d probably think of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There is potential in a
More of the users are spending more and more time online. They are finding items they want to buy on social media, researching brands they want to buy from on
If you are wondering whether you should take advantage of Instagram Shopping as an affiliate marketer, the answer is yes! It has paved the way for affiliate marketers and content
Much like any other aspect of the internet you can think of, Google is always evolving, and therefore SEO is always evolving. There is a fluid nature there that marketers
Social media marketing means being very creative with your content to ensure that users connect with it. But what’s better is when users connect with your content enough to share
Affiliate marketing is the most accessible and effective means of digital marketing today. It has expanded into a massive multi-billion-dollar industry around the world, with influencers and blogs marketing brands
Burns Night is an important day on the Scottish events calendar. Held on January 25th every year, the celebration of the nation’s greatest poet is arguably more important to Scots
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