Beyond the Social Algorithm: How Influencers can reclaim control of their brand and E-commerce future - Affiverse

Beyond the Social Algorithm: How Influencers can reclaim control of their brand and E-commerce future

Content creators and influencers are finding themselves increasingly pulled in multiple directions. Beyond simply creating content, they are now also managing their own e-commerce stores, selling their own branded products, and having to offer support based services to their audience. However, many face critical challenges as they attempt to scale their businesses using traditional platforms like Amazon or TikTok as an example.

One of the biggest issues is a lack of control of data ownership. When creators rely on major social media platforms, they are beholden to algorithms and company policies that can shift without notice. A simple tweak in the algorithm or a sudden account shutdown can drastically reduce their visibility, taking years of hard-earned progress down to zero. Worse still, creators also most times do not own the data of their followers or customers. If their account is locked or deleted, they lose access to their entire community and must start again from scratch.

For many influencer-entrepreneurs, managing inventory, shipping, and customer service in addition to content creation becomes overwhelming. These platforms are not designed for multi-dimensional businesses that sell both digital and physical products. Many creators find themselves juggling complex logistics while simultaneously creating content, with little help from the platforms they rely on.

Finding Solutions: New Platforms Empowering Creators

Recognising these pain points, we interviewed the CEO of, Banky Alao, an emerging e-commerce platform offering creators more autonomy to get the scoop on how they’re solving these problems with their innovative new all in one e-commerce solution that’s removing complexity and cost barriers for influencers to grow and scale their e-commerce businesses. 

Q: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind launching your business and how it’s tailored to help content creators and influencers specifically?

BA: I had separate conversations with two friends (a hair-care brand owner and a ready-to-wear brand owner) about their most annoying tech-related business challenges. They both complained about the same thing – their businesses were now multidimensional (content and physical goods) but their tech toolstack was not measuring up. One of the standout features of MyPeppa is its focus on data ownership. Creators who use the platform own their community data, meaning they are in control of their audience relationships and customer information. This not only protects them if they ever decide to move away from a platform, but it also enables them to engage directly with their followers through tools like newsletters and webinars, all while maintaining full autonomy over their audience.

Q: How does your platform simplify the process for creators and help them manage all the logistics themselves?

BA: MyPeppa provides booking features, payment features, shipping features that connect creators to carriers when orders come through so delivery is not a headache and order management that keeps customers informed of the progress of each stage of the order. Logistics and inventory are both handled within the MyPeppa platform. As long as the inventory exists, the platform guides creators to shipping carriers who would take the fulfillment burden off them through the shipping features available. To capture customer inquiries and complaints, the MyPeppa platform comes with a feedback channel on every creator website that lands straight in the creator’s preferred mailbox.

Q: Many creators find themselves not owning their customer data when selling through major platforms. Why is this a problem, and how does your platform address this issue?

BA: Indeed. This lack of data ownership is a bigger issue than most realize. Creators often only learn of the enormity of this issue after their accounts have been locked out or shut down. The MyPeppa platform gives full autonomy and control of the data creators gather to the creator. Options exist to export the data if you decide to; you also have tools to enable you to drive up engagement within your community with newsletters, webinars, amongst others. 

Influencers and Content creators should adapt to this Evolving Market 

As the lines between content creation and commerce continue to blur, creators are increasingly stepping into entrepreneurial roles. A greater percentage of people have only known the internet as they enter via social platforms first before any other utility value hence search, shopping, media consumption are all starting from social. As this trend sweeps across the world a natural evolution and rise of platforms enabling creators to work directly with their customers and followers will emerge. 

In a world where social media is often the starting point for everything from content discovery to shopping, this dual role of influencer-creator e-commerce partner – will only continue to grow. With more control over their brand and operations, creators are positioned to thrive as both content producers and business owners, driving the future of the e-commerce industry.

In conclusion, the current challenges facing creators in e-commerce—lack of control, complex logistics, and data vulnerability—are being met by innovative solutions that prioritize creator autonomy and simplify operations. As the digital landscape evolves, platforms are leading the way in empowering creators to run multi-dimensional online businesses with ease.


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