Button’s Entry into the Retail Media Market: A New Horizon for Affiliate and Creator Economies

In a groundbreaking move poised to reshape the $140 billion retail media industry, affiliate-marketing firm Button has launched a new product designed to integrate retail media capabilities with its existing platform. This expansion not only signifies a strategic pivot for Button but also opens significant opportunities for creators and affiliates to capitalise on a rapidly growing e-commerce market.

The New Retail Media Offering

Button’s latest venture into retail media is marked by the introduction of a comprehensive product suite aimed at enhancing e-commerce advertising. This new product allows brands to conduct retail media campaigns that are deeply integrated with e-commerce transactions, thereby maximizing advertising efficiency and driving direct consumer engagement. By bridging the gap between retail media and affiliate marketing, Button aims to provide a seamless experience that benefits brands, creators, and consumers alike.

Strategic Partnerships and Advisory Board

To support this ambitious expansion, Button has established a strategic advisory board composed of industry veterans from mobile ads, consumer packaged goods (CPG), and retail sectors. Notable members include Jason Morse, VP of Ads and Monetization at OfferUp, Jackson Jeyanayagam, an executive at Anheuser-Busch and former GM of Clorox, and Rick Ton, VP of Marketing at Clutter. These advisors bring invaluable expertise and insights that are expected to guide Button’s foray into new market segments and customer categories.

Growth and Innovation

Button’s new product suite is built on its PostTap platform, a marketing automation tool designed for creating first-party consumer connections through various channels, including SMS and app installs. The platform has seen remarkable year-over-year growth, and the company forecasts continued rapid expansion. This growth trajectory is supported by Button’s proven track record in mobile commerce, having driven over $5 billion in transactions to date.

The introduction of retail media capabilities within Button’s platform allows brands to optimize their marketing spend by driving commerce outcomes while simultaneously building direct consumer relationships. This dual benefit, referred to as a “twofer” by Button, is achieved through advanced machine learning algorithms that optimize marketing performance and enhance shopper lifetime value (LTV).

Implications for the Creator and Affiliate Ecosystem

For creators and affiliates, Button’s expansion into retail media presents a unique opportunity to tap into a lucrative and growing market. By leveraging Button’s platform, creators can now access retail media budgets that were previously beyond their reach, enabling them to participate in high-value advertising campaigns. This democratisation of retail media is expected to drive innovation and growth within the creator economy, fostering a more diverse and dynamic marketplace.

Moreover, affiliates can benefit from Button’s enhanced tracking and optimization tools, which ensure that their efforts are accurately attributed and rewarded. This creates a more transparent and efficient ecosystem where affiliates are incentivised to drive high-quality traffic and conversions

Button’s entry into the retail media market marks a significant milestone in the evolution of affiliate marketing and the broader advertising industry. By combining the strengths of retail media and affiliate marketing, Button is poised to unlock new opportunities for brands, creators, and affiliates. As the company continues to innovate and expand its offerings, it is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of digital commerce and advertising.


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